Friday, October 14, 2022

Lanikai Beach (Hawaii 2022)

I was able to visit my favorite beach in the world again!! Lanikai Beach in Kailua, Oahu is clean, and has the most gorgeous water, and fine white sand imo.

Lanikai during the day, above, and during sunset, below.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Koko Head Crater Hike (Hawaii 2022)

Traveled to Hawaii this year with a large friend group to attend my roommate's wedding! I chose this hike because I wanted to conquer these stairs 👊

I'm grateful and happy I brought food and friends on this hike.

(going up!)

(close up on how they converted the old rails into stairs)

(almost to the top!)

(view from top - facing North)

(view from top - facing South)

(going back down!)

TIP: Start early in the morning if you want to avoid baking under the hot noon sun!

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Grinter's Sunflower Farm

Back in September, my friends and I were fortunate enough to visit Grinter's Sunflower Farm! Sunflowers aren't always in bloom, and once they do the petals can wilt within a couple weeks! Enjoy my pics if you never get a chance to see 🌻 in-person!